Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is Script Training Ireland?

Script Training Ireland is a screenwriting teaching program that is provided by a television-credited screenwriter and script editor who has read and worked for Hollywood studios, International Broadcasters, Independent Production companies and multiple funding and financing bodies across the UK, Ireland and EU.

I have an MA in Screenwriting and have also attended the Professional Screenwriting program at ULCA Film School in Los Angeles.

Some of my more recent clients/employers include: BBC, RTE, TV3, The Irish Film Board...

Upcoming Classes

In association with dawsondramaworks

Screenwriting is a notoriously difficult career to get ahead in. All too often people make the plunge with not enough knowledge of story construction, the craft of screenwriting and how the industry works. This 6 part workshop will help you to become aware of the skills and craft you'll need to create unforgettable stories in perfectly written, powerful screenplays that will get you noticed by studio and production company readers as well as help get you an agent.

TOPICS COVERED INCLUDE: Using Visual Grammar Effectively- Structure - The craft of writing a scene - Characterization and the arc of transformation - Subtext - Writing the great ending - writing great dialogue - How to impress the reader.

ALAN KEANE is an award winning screenwriter and script editor whose recent clients/employers include BBC, RTE and The Irish Film Board. He is a graduate from the professional screenwriting program at UCLA film school in Los Angeles and has an MA in Screenwriting.

WHEN: Tues., April 20th to Tues., May 25th/7:15pm to 10:15PM

LOCATION: Smithfield/Stoneybatter area, Dublin City Centre, D7

FEE: €245.00 (€215.00 concession and for full time students)

Please email me at this link if you are interested in attending. 

Max class size - 15

or Email:
Or Mobile: 086 1972270


"Alan's natural passion, high-level education and professional experience to date has provided him with a profound understanding of what a screenplay needs to be: a character-driven story with a universal theme, written visually, thus serving as a blueprint for a movie."
John Dawson - Screenwriter/Director

"Alan's one of the best script editors I've worked with. He has enormous respect for the writer and the process, and knows when to let instinct and passion preside over any so-called rules or formulas. Ultimately, he knows when a story's working and when it isn't but most importantly, he knows WHY."

Danny Stack - Screenwriter

"Alan was my script editor on the TV3 comedy/drama ‘School Run’. As my background is as a novelist and ‘School Run’ was my first foray into the world of script writing. I can honestly say I couldn’t have hoped to have a steadier hand guiding me through unfamiliar territory.  He is excellent at what he does and he’s a pleasure to work with. I did not receive one note from him that wasn’t on point, his input made for a smarter and far superior document. He has great instincts and I haven’t laughed as much in years. I am currently working with Alan on my TV and film projects and I look forward to continuing our working relationship into the distant future."
Anna McPartlin - Novelist/Screenwriter